Consider these three facts learned last week:
1. At least 100,000 companies, mostly small firms, have left the ranks of government contractors over the past year according to data gathered by the House Small Business Committee.
2. Small companies that have stayed end up getting larger contracts.
3. Over 80% of service business goes to approximately 150 companies. These statistics make it abundantly clear that a company must know how to run the traps of government contracting in order to be successful. Few, if any, companies can just walk into the market and do well. Read more
Although the government is technically funded until December 11th, spending could slow after November 3rd if Congress cannot pass a measure to increase the country’s debt ceiling. The chaos inaction or a “no” vote would cause would certainly transcend government procurement and take personnel resources away from the award and management of contracts. Since Congress has never before failed to Read more
Federal agencies don’t always want the top-of-the-line solution. With budgets tight and funding uncertain, “state of the market” responses may drive more business than “state of the art”. At least one GSA official confirmed this basic mind set at the Coalition for Government Procurement’s Fall Conference. Federal agencies are trying to get fund multiple priority projects with limited funds. As a result, more than Read more
Allen Federal knows! If you can’t remember the last time your contract terms were reviewed, your GSA Schedule Price Reductions Clause examined, or your compliance programs checked, you could be in for a gruesome “treat”. The Inspector General can’t be paid in Reeses, not even full-sized ones. Let Allen Federal keep the ghosts and demons away. Know the tricks of contract compliance and all you’ll have to carve up this season will be the family pumpkin. Don’t wait till the compliance clock strikes midnight! Contact Lamont Cranston today at
Although Blanket Purchase Agreements are alive and well on the GSA Schedules program, other GWAC and MAC vehicles do not have similar capabilities. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently made that clear in sustaining a protest filed by Harris Corp over FBI plans to restrict competition and set up a BPA-like construct using DHS’s Tacom IDIQ. GAO stated that the FBI’s plans violated the “Fair Read more