President Trump is expected to release his first budget plan in mid-March and, while it will lack the detail of plans of previous administrations, most are betting that “less” is in the document a lot of times. reports that the President’s budget could closely follow a Heritage Foundation report that would reduce spending by $10.5 trillion over the next 10 years. That plan would eliminate entire federal programs and even some agencies. Heritage officials are Read more
Officials in GSA’s Southwest regional office in Fort Worth consistently emphasized their desire to engage more frequently with contractors at their industry event last week to ensure that GSA is offering customers viable solutions. Regional leaders should be applauded for their efforts, especially for understanding that customer engagement can lead to good program growth. People looking for good examples of how contractors and GSA officials can work together for Read more
Alert reader M. Kunis of Quahog, RI writes, “My long-time federal customer wants us to hire Mary, one of their own recent retirees, and have Mary go back to work for them as a contract employee. How do I work this with the labor rates I have on my Schedule?”. Excellent question, M. and one that you’re smart to think about. While procurement rules try to ban “personal services” acquisition, people are people. They like working with those that they know, especially Read more
Federal managers, Congressional watchers, and even some contractors are beginning to sense that the entire 2017 government fiscal year will largely be funded by a series of Continuing Resolutions. With the turmoil surrounding confirmation of appointees, potential action on the Affordable Healthcare Act, and other factors in play, it appears increasingly likely that there will be no formal appropriations bills for most of the executive branch. Only the Department of Read more
Everyone wants to do their own assessment when they come into a new agency, but not every appointee has a high degree of familiarity with the inner workings of their new department. These are among the observations from a host of recent panels and presentations featuring senior career feds speaking on the transition. While essential operational work continues, Read more