GSA announced their conclusion last week that the lease for the Trump Washington, D.C. hotel will not benefit the President during his term and, as such, the contract can continue. Steps taken by Trump family business interests to place the hotel and other assets in a trust and direct that profits be spent only in certain ways seem to have persuaded GSA officials to issue their ruling. While there may be a political backlash to this decision, the issuance of the ruling Read more
The General Services Administration intends to keep its IT 70 Multiple Award Schedule at the forefront of cyber solutions contracts. To do that it is issuing an RFI, perhaps as early as today, proposing to add new Special Item Numbers (SINs) that will provide customers with faster access to a broader variety of CDM solutions. GSA and DHS already have a number of Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA’s) in place for CDM, but customers have told both agencies that they Read more
Alert reader G. Paltrow writes, “My small office in Waco, TX only has 15 people in it doing $2 million a year in sales. I think we’re a small business, even though our parent company, located all the way in New York City, has 2,000 people and $50 million in sales. They’re not really part of our operation, aren’t we small?” Sorry, G., the most likely answer is “no”, your business is not Read more
We don’t need to re-hash the broad figures laid out last week in President Trump’s proposed FY’18 budget. The Washington Post did a fine job of doing that on the front page of its March 16th edition. What we can do, though, is bring a slight dose of reality to the proceedings. The bottom line is that the degree of cuts proposed simply cannot pass Congress. With Republican control of the Senate sharply narrowed, there aren’t enough votes, even assuming that all Republican Senators back the President’s plan – something which is doubtful. As such, no one should be surprised that FY’18 final budgets for State and EPA will probably be higher than the 30% average cut put forth by the Administration.
The Administration probably knows this, too. The President has a background as a shrewd business person. The best way to look at this budget, therefore, is as an opening negotiation position to take with Congress. Will there be reductions? Most probably, especially in areas like EPA that many Republicans think over-reached during the last Administration. On the other hand, contractors need to keep in mind that Defense, VA, and DHS spending are all slated to go Read more
CNN, Bloomberg Government, and The New York Times have all reported in the past week on the slew of vacancies still to be filled by the Trump Administration, slowing forward movement on a host of government functions, including acquisition. CNN estimates that nearly 2,000 appointee positions are unfilled, with most not even having a nominee identified. Max Stier, President of the Partnership for Public Service perhaps best summarized the impact on government saying, “Uncertainty is the bane of good management. And there’s an awful lot of Read more