Monthly Archives: December 2016


Despite flagging sales numbers and migration of business to other IDIQ vehicles, GSA last week announced its intent to take two new steps that will increase contractor cost, while providing data that will be of questionable use to government customers.  Small businesses will be especially hard hit by these requirements, but companies of all sizes in the two areas will see costs increase, even as the federal market overall remains flat.

First, it was announced that the Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) requirement will be coming to the Professional Services Schedule.  Readers may recall that TDR data is ultimately intended to enable customers to make “apples to apples” comparisons between prices paid for recent projects and those being planned.  How this will work in the complex world of professional services is unknown.  Labor categories, rates, and how they are combined vary substantially from project to project and from contractor to contractor.  No two service acquisitions are alike.  Raw data on single labor categories that could potentially be backed out would result in numbers that are totally misleading when read out of context.  As such, it is truly difficult to see how Professional Services TDR data could be of much value to customers.  This exercise seems to be an expensive attempt to provide data that will ultimately confuse potential Schedule buyers.

GSA also issued a Request for Information (RFI) on its plan to re-open the Schedule 75 Office Products Schedule, sort of.  The agency’s plan here is to essentially graft elements of the OS3 strategic sourcing contract onto a new SIN for Schedule 75.  This would be the only SIN open for new offers.  The RFI and accompanying statements from GSA make clear that the agency expects companies to lower prices, while increasing contract requirements.  In addition to TDR reporting, the new Schedule SIN will require greater OCONUS shipping capability and the provision of agency-specific spending reports.  These are just a few of the 16 total contractor requirements we counted in reading the RFI.  Contractors that want to participate in the new Schedule will have to do more, but would be required to charge less.  In the increasingly competitive and automated world of office supply acquisition, GSA’s approach seems destined to encourage small businesses, or any company that needs to operate on a reasonable margin, to use other channels to reach their federal customers.


CO’s HEAR YOU KNOCKING, BUT YOU CAN’T COME IN:  Sometimes the response to “can we talk?” is “no”.  Despite two rounds of OMB-sponsored Myth Busters campaigns and three rounds of DOD’s Better Buying Power initiative, industry-government communication remains a challenge.  Education of the acquisition workforce was thought to be the answer to that problem, but it is clear now that is not the case.  Acquisition officials know they can – and are in fact encouraged to– speak with industry, but they don’t.  Anecdotal evidence suggests that reasons vary.  Workload is one, but so, too, is the feeling that more than “hello” will land an official in front of their IG, no matter how many memos and directives that say otherwise.  What next?  How about making industry discussions a measureable part of the acquisition planning process?  We know that “what gets measured, gets done”, so requiring discussions with industry in the planning and market research phases might be one way to ensure feds get input from industry on the latest technology and solutions.  Is communication an end to itself?  Of course not.  Communication only works when it is part of a process that results in a workable solution.  Solutions tend to me more workable, though, when responsible communication is built in.


Sometimes the response to “can we talk?” is “no”.  Despite two rounds of OMB-sponsored Myth Busters campaigns and three rounds of DOD’s Better Buying Power initiative, industry-government communication remains a challenge.  Education of the acquisition workforce was thought to be the answer to that problem, but it is clear now that is not the case.  Acquisition officials know they can – and are in fact encouraged to– speak with industry, but they don’t.  Anecdotal evidence suggests that reasons vary.  Workload is one, but so, too, is the feeling that Read more


Federal News Radio reported last week that contractors saw more protest success in 2016 at the Government Accountability Office (GAO).  The sustain rate was last this high in 2001, the year in which statistics were first kept.  Total protests were also up, indicating continued tightness in the government market and contractor willingness to fight over each major award decision.  The 2016 sustain rate was nearly double that of just one year ago and may be an Read more


You return from the holiday break tan, rested, and ready (just like Richard Nixon) only to find out that your regional sales director took his Army customer to the Fiesta Bowl. Now, you have an ethics problem. Do you know what to do? Is your company aware of potential penalties? Accidents happen but, as you learned when you tried to sweep the broken lamp under your parents’ rug, pretending it didn’t happen is not the best response.

Call Allen Federal. We can help train your staff to prevent future mistakes and tune up your compliance and ethics programs. Just like teams playing Alabama, a good defense is imperative to success. Contact Allen Federal today at


After considerable drama, Congress passed a Continuing Resolution this weekend that will keep the government open until April 28th of next year.  This is a compromise between original plans that called for a CR through March and Senate Republicans who last week floated the possibility of a CR till the end of May.  DOD leaders assailed the idea of operating under a CR for 2/3’rds of the fiscal year and helped scale back its scope.  The CR will fund all agencies except VA (who already have their FY’17 money) at a pro-rated level equal to FY’16 spending.  That’s the good news.  The bad news is that contractors will have to work hard with customers to scope projects Read more