A total of seven central DOD offices would be entirely eliminated and 28 would be streamlined under plans being considered by the House Armed Services Committee. The effort comes as Congressional leaders seek to channel defense dollars more directly to service branches and war fighter support and away from a bureaucracy that has, according to the Wall Street Journal, Read more
GSA is requiring Schedule contractors to agree to the Commercial Supplier Agreement (CSA) modification expected this June or July if they want to add Order Level Material capability to their Schedule contract. A notice sent to all Schedule contract holder’s today states that the addition of the OLM mod, long sought by industry to make Schedule contracts more competitive with other IDIQ’s, is, itself, optional. Addition of the CSA mod, however, is not. Read more
The Defense Contract Audit Agency stated last week that a contractor providing intelligence and support services to DOD in Afghanistan may have overcharged the government by more than $50 million. If history is a guide, the entire contracting industry should brace itself for a backlash. It doesn’t take much for Congress to react, or over-react, to the sins of one or two Read more
Has your company hired new contract or federal sales professionals this year? Do they know what’s in your contract or what to do and not to do? Unlike the old adage, you must teach new people new tricks. Do not wait ‘til the audit letter arrives! Allen Federal can train your new staff, and bring veterans up to speed, on all of the latest information on federal business trends, contract management issues, and compliance. Contact us today at info@allenfederal.com and we’ll put customized training together just for you!
As we approach the time when individual federal offices will actually have their final budget numbers for the next 6 months, here are three things your company should be focused on now: 1. Engaging Current and Potential Customers on Specific Projects: Most federal buyers have some idea of what they’re going to buy for the rest of the year. How do your solutions Read more