In their quest to seek ever-new sources of business, some contractors are giving scant attention to new competitions on business they’ve already won, according to federal proposal pro Bob Lohfeld.  Lohfeld raised several good points during a recent webinar sponsored by his company.  Among these are that incumbent contractors start too late in preparing their offer, even when they know re-compete timeframes.  In addition, incumbents tend to dismiss outside help or analysis of the offers they do prepare.  Lohfeld’s bottom line point seems to be “Take your eye off the ball and watch it bounce away from you.”  This is an important lesson for companies to understand.  You worked hard to build your base business.  You may even excel in your specific market segment. Don’t neglect those core competencies, even as your firm pursues new lines of business.   Remember that it is easier to keep business you have than to obtain new business, but only if you’re paying proper attention to current customers.  Experienced government contractors also know that federal business is not a “go it alone” enterprise.  Getting help from outside experts can both protect your base and help you grow smartly.