Although negative news rules most of the headlines in both the national and government contract media, there are good things that happen everyday in government commercial acquisition.  The 30-year-old Fed100 awards, now sponsored by NextGov, highlight leaders from government and industry who have achieved success in moving federal IT, and often federal IT acquisition, forward.  The publication of this year’s list of awardees showcases this and provides all who work in this industry with an opportunity to stop and say “thank you” to those who have worked to make government work better.  Significantly, five of the Fed100 come from the General Services Administration, with four from the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS).  Former Commissioner Sonny Hashmi was honored for his work at transforming FAS information and management systems.  Erv Kohler, the Assistant Commissioner for General Supplies and Services, was also recognized.  Kohler has proven himself to be a voice of common sense in government acquisition.  GSA CIO Dave Shive is a repeat winner.  Under his leadership GSA’s IT operation routinely receives good scores on its FITARA report card.  Think that the massive project to move away from the Schedules SIP program happened overnight?  Just ask Anisa Khandkar, Enterprise Architect in the FAS Catalog Management Office.  Her work, along with those of her colleagues, has provided a much-needed transformation to an outdated GSA Advantage component.  Rosa Underwood, a Senior Cybersecurity Advisor, was also recognized for her work in ensuring workable cybersecurity solutions.  These are just some examples of the government and industry leaders who go above and beyond to ensure that things go right in their areas.  If more followed their examples, we could really have a government IT and acquisition system that efficiently met the needs of government.