“What we’ve done in the name of innovation of process is we have created way too many rules, and those rules have added a level of complexity that often gets our workforces to the wrong answer,” said Navy Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition Elliot Branch at the Acquire show last week in Washington.  Branch’s comments came as part of a panel on how agencies can better shape acquisition processes to drive better and faster outcomes.  Executives from GSA, OFPP and FEMA were also represented on the panel, making it clear that acquisition reform has support in at least some federal offices.  This provides opportunities for contractors as well.  You likely want to re-shape the acquisition process as much as your customer. Recommending changes, or even offering to provide a formal study or evaluation, can drive current business and make future business easier to conduct.  If your firm has expertise in process re-engineering, business management skills, or a similar area make an offer.  Even if you just have a good idea, mention it.  Improving the federal acquisition process is a win-win-win.