Federal contractors who were anticipating a spike in business from a federal hiring “freeze” should take note – a freeze isn’t really a freeze in this era of global warming.  So many exceptions have been implemented since the original Executive Order that the freeze looks more like Swiss cheese.  The Pentagon, alone, has issued sixteen exemptions to the freeze, including “positions necessary to carry out or enforce treaties or other international obligations” – a broad definition.  Other agencies have carved out exceptions for promotions and work deemed “essential” to carry out important missions.  The entire situation is confusing for federal employees and contractors.  Contractors could, in fact, see a double hit.  First, fewer opportunities to provide support services may materialize.  Second, federal customers confused about how the freeze will impact them or their agency may be focused on issues other than acquisition.  To be sure, there have likely already been scores of internal meetings throughout government trying to make sense of all of this.  The best bet for contractors is to stay focused and approach federal business as strategically as ever.  The clouds may clear soon enough and with the sun could come a thaw.