Contractor websites, e-newsletters, and sponsored content rank as the top three content types federal buyers look at when doing market research according to the 2017 Federal Content Market Review from the highly regarded firm Market Connections.  Buyers are most interested in specific information on product specifications, data and research supporting your solutions, and past performance information such as case studies.  However, e-mail ranked much lower on the list .  Federal buyers, especially those in popular segments like IT, can receive hundreds of e-mails each day from contractors.  One solution: instead of sending a simple e-mail,, e-newsletters are a better option, ranking second on the list of most frequently reviewed online channels for content. Make sure your e-newsletter contains good content and relevant information on why your company is a good potential partner.  Another innovative use of technology that companies are making use of is YouTube videos.  Federal officials who Market Connection surveyed said that they will look at such videos, and nearly half listed YouTube as an effective channel for content.  While many federal contractors use general messaging with little supporting