Over 55% of the Department of Defense’s budget went for service spending in FY’14, with similar numbers expected for FY’15. Over $156 billion was spent on total service acquisitions, with Knowledge Based Services leading the way at $32.5 billion, or 21% of the total service Read more
One part of GSA’s proposed “Prices Paid” database plan is to eliminate the need for contractors to track their Schedule prices against a Basis of Award customer, one of two triggers of the Price Reductions Clause. GSA, and OMB, officials have been adamant that they are serious about Read more
The Department of Defense has 45 vacant senior level appointee positions heading into the last year of the current administration. The State Department has 51, according to numbers released last week on Govexec.com. Overall, approximately 25% of senior appointee positions Read more
If you’re like us, it seems like everyone has a hand out wanting money from you. Many of these are worthy causes, but the fact is that none of us can meet every request. It gets a bit overwhelming. Allen Federal, though, isn’t asking, it’s giving.
Only 2 of the original 6 free 30 minute conference calls are left to discuss your federal business with Larry Allen, so get your request in now! The final 2 people who e-mail us at info@allenfederal.com and say “give me my free 30 minutes” will get a session with a recognized expert in federal acquisition. Whether you want a quick review of your contracts, a budget overview, or simply a personal reading from the FAR, Allen Federal is giving you free time to discuss what you want with no strings attached. Make sure you get in under the deadline and e-mail us today!
Congress passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill on its way out of town last week for the Christmas holiday. The bill, which funds all federal agencies for the remainder of FY 2016, contains something for everyone. Winners include the Departments of Energy and Veterans Affairs, as well as NASA. All three agencies received more than the President originally requested last Read more